Ben Fordham Live, 2GB Sydney 26 January 2024

Senator Nampijinpa Price talks to Ben Fordham on 2GB Radio Sydney

26 January 2024, 7:15am AEDT

Subjects: Australia Day

GRAB – Peter Dutton
…I think we can legislate to the 26th. And I think that would be broad community support for that. And Henry pike. Our local member for Diamond is a very strong advocate. He's got a private member's bill and I think that should be given priority by the government in the Parliament, and I think we should enshrine the date.

Ben Fordham
That was Peter Dutton on the Bolt Report on Sky News. Let's bring in Senator Nampijinpa Price, the Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians. Senator, Happy Australia Day!

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Happy Australia Day, Ben!

Ben Fordham
We'll get to what you're up to today in just a moment. First of all, Peter Dutton suggests we could legislate January 26 as Australia Day.

Senator Nampijinpa Price

Yeah, look, I'd be happy to support legislating January 26 as Australia Day, to put it in place, move forward from this whole sort of discussion and debate and start focusing on what our priorities should be about, improving our country all together. That's what we should be doing.

Ben Fordham
It's tiresome, isn't it? Every single year you get past New Year's Day and then all of a sudden, the debate starts, and it doesn't end until the end of January.

Senator Nampijinpa Price
That's exactly right. And, you know, if we, if we go ahead and change it, then we're basically just going to be pandering to a minority of Australians who will find something else then to go on to that - they won't be happy with some other day that they think that they can change and, you know, the sorts of behaviors that are going on right now, destroying statues and those sorts of things is utterly ridiculous. You know, as I said, there's far more important issues that we need to go on with then this continued debate around changing a date.

Ben Fordham
What does this country mean to you, Jacinta?

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Well, this country means so many different things to me. I mean, you know there's so much opportunity that I have had at my fingertips all my life because this country has provided that for me. You know, I've never sort of looked at myself as someone of a particular heritage or agenda or anything like that, but as a capable Australian, who was presented with opportunity because the country that I love, that I live in, has been fertile ground for that. And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for the fact that you know, I'm married to a recent Australian who loves this country just as much, and that generally we all want to, we all want what's best for one another. We want to get on with one another, and we lend a helping hand whenever it's needed. And that's what I love about this country.

Ben Fordham
There seems to be a big focus, which is great, on focusing on the things that unite us, not the things that divide us.

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Yeah look, and I think that that sentiment is definitely growing. I think after the referendum, the fact that Australians now feel like they can stand up and be proud to call themselves Australian. You know, I've been driving through, I’ve driven over the Barclay, over to the Sunshine Coast through Toowoomba, to Tamworth. I'm now in Broken Hill. Everywhere I go, just friendly Australians greeting me. So many Australian flags I've seen flying which is wonderful, and I really think Australians are getting back on board. Once again, after the result of the referendum.

Ben Fordham
What does your family get up to on Australia Day?

Senator Nampijinpa Price
A variety of things on Australia Day, sometimes it's just a sort of day of reflection and downtime, being together with family and friends. As I said today I'm in Broken Hill, I'm going to go and, myself and my husband, are going to head down and participate in the breakfast that they're holding here, in the flag raising before we hit the road again, appreciate the land that we live on, head off to Cooper Pedy on our way back to Alice Springs. So that's what I'll be doing today. Well,

Ben Fordham
Well, you have a great day and thanks for joining us from Broken Hill before we say goodbye. We've got an Aussie music quiz that we're doing this morning. So, I'm playing songs I've never played on the radio before. They're all Aussie, but I just give you two seconds, just a sample of it, and I want to see whether you can name the song. Can I put you on the spot?

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Yeah, you put me on the spot!

Ben Fordham
Politicians always get nervous about live quizzes. This is just a sample of the song that's just a sample of the songs you know who's singing it.

Song played.

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Ah, it was very, very short. I don't know if it was long enough to hear it. 

Ben Fordham
It's you!

Senator Nampijinpa Price

Ben Fordham
It’s you! It's “Thank You” by Jacinta Price, so I'm gonna play some more of it. Now happy Australia Day. We’ve got to thank you so much, Senator. I really appreciate it.

Senator Nampijinpa Price
Thank you.